“It’s the only system we have found that accurately measures ”˜drag’ and sharpness across the entire length of a knife blade, from tip to heel. It’s quite unique.”
James Gangelhoff, President, Tru Hone Corporation
Florida, USA based Tru Hone Corporation is one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of advanced knife sharpening systems, installed and used across a wide range of industries where knives are a critical production tool.
Before using the KST200e Sharpness Analyzer, Tru Hone was reliant on a number of subjective tests to determine the results of various sharpening procedures. “We were looking for an unbiased and objective assessment method to measure the performance of our sharpening systems and the effect of changes in sharpening procedures”, says James Gangelhoff of Tru Hone Corporation.
The best knife sharpness is achieved by creating the optimum relationship between the grade of grit used and the degree of pressure applied to the blade. A major challenge is that different knives and blades require different combinations of grit and pressure, almost impossible to achieve without an objective measurement system.
A key improvement objective for Tru Hone was for users of their sharpening systems to be able to deliver a repeatable and consistently high level of sharpness across all knife and blade types.
The company installed the KST200e Sharpness Analyzer from Anago and began to use it as a standard testing methodology for all of their product development efforts. They immediately began to see the benefits.
“The KST200e Sharpness Analyzer from Anago is the only system we have found that accurately measures the ”˜drag’ and sharpness across the entire length of a knife blade, from tip to heel. It’s quite unique.” says James.
In addition to using it as a sharpness testing tool, Tru Hone also uses the KST200e to improve and optimise the design of their knife steeling instruments.
“Now, we have a more accurate, objective measurement system that gives us an accurate picture of which sharpening procedure works best for individual knife and blade types”, says James. “The advanced Operating & Analysis Software supplied with the KST200e allows us to effectively manage and analyse our test results”, he adds.
Tru Hone is now able to compare sharpness variations between knife and blade types, sharpening methods and sharpening systems, providing accurate, objective and factual analysis for their product development team.
In addition to being able to determine if a blade is at optimum sharpness, Tru Hone are also able to identify where the blunt spots are. This allows them to modify and improve their sharpening systems, ensuring that the entire blade reaches optimum sharpness.
A valuable insight that the KST200e has delivered is the ability to accurately measure the relative ”˜drag’ and associated force required to cut. By being able to produce a sharper edge using Tru Hone’s advanced sharpening systems, knife users require less effort and force to cut, key issues in the prevention of occupational overuse injuries. In addition, sharper knives usually result in higher production yields, with workers able to cut much closer to the bone, for example.
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