Want to learn what sharpness is?

Straight from IPPE 21 Techtalks!  Watch Anago Founder, Peter Dowd’s educational video showcased to the protein community at IPPE 21.  Peter will provide insight on how cutting works and the positive impact of training your staff to maintain and retain a sharp blade.  

Knife Sharpness – A rare win/win for safety and production. 

Viewing time: 15 minutes.


  1. Learn what a sharp blade looks like with simple but interesting and easy to follow diagrams on the theory of sharpness.  
  2. Discover the link between maintaining a sharp blade and improved H&S outcomes of individual team members.
  3. Learn best practices in knife sharpening and overall blade performance.



A customizable blade clamp moves the knife blade through a woven test media whilst recording the force required to cut each strand of media.

The recorded force corresponds to a force measurement and a sharpness measurement is calculated from this.

Multiple points along the length of the blade are recorded.


  • Over 50 independent measurements along the blade edge providing an intuitive score out of 10
  • Clear identification of dull and sharp areas
  • Ability to layer tests on top of each other

The Anago operating and analysis software allows you to save, view, compare and export your tests. The graph and  numerical data it is plotted from are saved, tagged with the test details (e.g. user name, knife identifier, date, time, etc).


The sharpness tester provides the user with a blade sharpness profile. This profile gives a clear visual indication of the blades’ sharpness measured at 2mm intervals along the length of the blade.

Results are interpreted by the user to determine the sharpness of the blade and any dull/sharp areas as well as nicks in the blade. The information can assist the user in determining the corrective action required to improve the sharpness level.

For example, the results may show that the first inch of the blade from the tip end is comparatively dull compared with the rest of the blade. This would indicate that the subject is having trouble sharpening/steeling this part of the blade and some instruction could be given to remedy the problem. The knife can then be re-tested to confirm the improvement and provide feedback on whether the changes made to the sharpening technique have been effective.

It is this process of experimenting with what does and what doesn’t work that allows our users to achieve significant improvements in their sharpening techniques, resulting in notable increases in average knife sharpness levels.

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