Founder, Peter Dowd presents at IPPE21

Anago Founder, Peter Dowd has been invited back to the IPPE Techtalks to share his extensive knowledge and research on developing best practice in knife sharpness and the prevention of muscular skeletal injuries in the meat processing industry. 

Click here to view his latest Techtalk  at IPPE21 titled ”˜Knife Sharpness ”“ A rare win/win for safety and production.’   Peter will provide insight on how cutting works and the positive impact of training your staff to maintain and retain a sharp blade.  

Viewing time: 15 minutes.


  • Learn what a sharp blade looks like with simple but interesting and easy to follow diagrams on the theory of sharpness.  
  • Discover the link between maintaining a sharp blade and improved H&S outcomes of individual team members.
  • Learn best practices in knife sharpening and overall blade performance.